Ma Judit, Loretta, Eulália névnap van.
Végre egy örömhír: a kvótareferendumon a határon túli magyar állampolgárok is részt vehetnek
És ez még jobb: akinek nincs magyarországi lakcíme, levélben adhatja le szavazatát. >
Egy „Széchenyi-idézet” nyomában
„Minden nemzetnek olyan kormánya van, aminőt érdemel. Ha valami oknál fogva ostoba vagy komisz emberek >
Szeles Mónika exkluzív
1986-ban Mónika valahol Dél-Amerikában megnyerte a korosztályos világbajnokságot, s amikor hazajött, akkor készítettem vele ezt >
Európa, a vén kurva
E sorok írójának csak az a történelmi tapasztalat jutott osztályrészéül, hogy hintalovazás közben hallgassa végig az >
The Orbán family’s enrichment with a little government help
„Azt hiszem elképednénk a jelenlegi magyar miniszterelnök korrumpáltságának mélységétől.” Hungarian Spectrum: >
Churchill és Bódis békés szivarozása helyett jaltai konferencia
Tulajdonképpen egy farsangi szivarozáson kellett volna találkoznia a krími félszigeten Churchillnek és Bódisnak 1945 februárjában – >
A gyertyák csonkig égnek
„Az ember lassan öregszik meg: először az élethez és az emberekhez való kedve öregszik.” Márai Sándor >
Egyik gyakornokunk szülinapját ünnepeltük
A bohókás ünnepeltet a kezében tartott tábláról lehet felismerni, amelyik egyben az életkorát is jelzi. Még fiatal, >
A kiválasztott nép ilyennek látja Európát
Spitzertől: >
A fehér kabát
Gabor,I like your white coat.Your pal,Tony Curtis >
A Napló Naplója
Kissé élcelődve azt meséltük, hogy minden a Magyarzó Pistike bálján kezdődött, amikor Árpád a söntésnél találkozott >
Amíg egy férfi új autóját fényezte, a kisfia felvett egy követ, és vonalakat karcolt az autó >
Napi ajánló
“Matolcsy’s poison kills slowly”
Matolcsy lassan ölő mérge címmel elemzi a legújabb magyar megszorító intézkedéseket a Hungarian Spectrum:
...“Brussels is trying to speed up the process of getting a Hungarian budget in place. Originally, the European Commission promised an answer to the first Matolcsy effort by November 7, and here we are in the middle of October and the reaction is already public knowledge. The Orbán government must have known Brussels’ opinion earlier than yesterday or today because one would suspect that putting together a complete austerity package in four hours would be impossible even for a better functioning ministry than Matolcsy’s. What is also interesting is that although analysts were thinking in terms of 150-200 billion forints worth of adjustments, today’s version of the package contains additional revenue of 367 billion forints, that is, almost double the presumably necessary amount. But how much is it really? According to Index there are too many items in the proposal that are far too unorthodox and uncertainty still abounds. But the real problem is that the newly introduced measures will further slow economic growth. Most people I heard on the subject predict that the recession will continue next year, and I read about a broker who exclaimed that “if this going to go on there will not be economic growth for ten years” in Hungary. Another analyst, Csaba Gaál, gave the following title to his article: “Matolcsy’s poison kills slowly.” So, what are these poisonous items? (1) Cutting the extra bank levy in half, which was promised for next year, is being postponed. (2) The financial transaction tax will be doubled from 0.1 to o.2%. (3) The transaction tax on the Treasury will be also doubled from 0.1 to 0.2%. (4) There will be a new tax on underground utility cables. (5) Only 80% instead of 100% of revenues will be able to be deducted from the local business tax (iparűzési adó). (6) The tax rate will be hiked on “cafeteria.” “Cafeteria” in Hungarian means a non-taxable benefit in the form of a voucher for cold or hot meals. (7) The Hungarian Internal Revenue Service will individually check receipts up to 2.5 million forints.“...
„Last Friday Viktor Orbán already claimed that if Hungary were on her own she wouldn’t need a 400 billion forint adjustment. Half of that would have been plenty, but Brussels is a real ogre. Then came Matolcsy who accused the European Union of double standards. The EU simply doesn’t like Hungary. For example, the Commission didn’t accept Hungary’s figures for higher revenues resulting from the connection of cash registers to the central taxation office while it accepted Bulgaria’s figures. I wonder why not? As György Bolgár said this afternoon, he wouldn’t suggest that Matolcsy play lotto. After all, up to now all the numbers his ministry submitted to Brussels were wrong. As for the present problems of the Hungarian budget, I think it is worth recalling that one of the first acts of Orbán’s government was the purchase of a large chunk of MOL, a private oil and gas company under Hungarian management. Shortly afterward the government bought Rába, a company that makes trucks and military equipment. Currently they are negotiating with the German-owned utility company E.ON. If a government is strapped for funds it shouldn’t be nationalizing private companies. It shouldn’t be building football stadiums either for a country where practically no one attends the games because the players are so bad. And finally, I heard an interesting interview this afternoon with László Békesi, finance minster in the Horn government. He suspects that the earlier announced plan to postpone the salary increase for teachers carried too much political risk. As I wrote earlier, I suspect that the majority of teachers voted for Fidesz and this move would certainly turn them away from Orbán and his party. Therefore, Békesi thinks that the government decided to shelve this idea and fulfill its earlier promise to the teachers. That is one of the reasons that the size of the new austerity package is so large. The head of the teacher’s union has a different opinion. We will see. There are still analysts who think that even these latest measures will not be enough and that sometime in the near future we will find out that another 100 billion is missing. I wouldn’t be at all surprised.“
Ehhez a cikkhez még nem fűztek megjegyzést.
Komment írásához be kell jelentkeznie.
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