2025. február 17. hétfő
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Alapító: Bódis Gábor & Németh Árpád (MCMXC)





Végre egy örömhír: a kvótareferendumon a határon túli magyar állampolgárok is részt vehetnek

És ez még jobb: akinek nincs magyarországi lakcíme, levélben adhatja le szavazatát. >


Egy „Széchenyi-idézet” nyomában

„Minden nemzetnek olyan kormánya van, aminőt érdemel. Ha valami oknál fogva ostoba vagy komisz emberek >


Szeles Mónika exkluzív

1986-ban Mónika valahol Dél-Amerikában megnyerte a korosztályos világbajnokságot, s amikor hazajött, akkor készítettem vele ezt >


Európa, a vén kurva

E sorok írójának csak az a törté­nelmi tapasztalat jutott osztályrészéül, hogy hintalovazás közben hallgassa végig az >


The Orbán family’s enrichment with a little government help

„Azt hiszem elképednénk a jelenlegi magyar miniszterelnök korrumpáltságának mélységétől.” Hungarian Spectrum: >


Churchill és Bódis békés szivarozása helyett jaltai konferencia

Tulajdonképpen egy farsangi szivarozáson kellett volna találkoznia a krími félszigeten Churchillnek és Bódisnak 1945 februárjában – >


A gyertyák csonkig égnek

„Az ember lassan öregszik meg: először az élethez és az emberekhez való kedve öregszik.” Márai Sándor >


Egyik gyakornokunk szülinapját ünnepeltük

A bohókás ünnepeltet a kezében tartott tábláról lehet felismerni, amelyik egyben az életkorát is jelzi. Még fiatal, >


A kiválasztott nép ilyennek látja Európát

Spitzertől: >


A fehér kabát

Gabor,I like your white coat.Your pal,Tony Curtis >


A Napló Naplója

Kissé élcelődve azt meséltük, hogy minden a Magyarzó Pistike bálján kezdődött, amikor Árpád a söntésnél találkozott >



Amíg egy férfi új autóját fényezte, a kisfia felvett egy követ, és vonalakat karcolt az autó >


Napi ajánló

Two elections in Hungary: 1922 and 2012

Bódis Gábor
Bódis Gábor
Two elections in Hungary: 1922 and 2012
Bethlen István

Mikszáth után szabadon: mi a közös Bethlen és Orbán között? – Hungarian Spectrum:

…”One may ask why talk about history again. Let’s study the present and look forward to the future. Yes, but unfortunately what is going on now with Viktor Orbán’s concerted efforts to devise an electoral law that would ensure his enduring power harks back to the activities of István Bethlen. Recent comments about keeping the uneducated and the unwashed away from the polling booths echo István Bethlen’s profoundly undemocratic views.”…

„Prior to 1918 a mere 6% of the population had the right to vote and all ballots had to be cast in the open. Universal and secret elections were introduced only after the October 1918 revolution, i.e. during the brief democratic period so maligned by the current regime. The first post-war elections that took place in 1920 were held on the basis of this law which entitled 40% of the population to vote. The composition of the parliament changed considerably as a result. Middle-sized farmers and urban Christian middle class people were represented much more broadly than before. When Bethlen became prime minister, one of his important tasks was to force these elements out of the legislature and bring back the “historical upper classes.” According to Bethlen, universal and secret balloting led to “the rule of rough masses, and those nations that are ruled by the masses are destined to decay.” Since Bethlen couldn’t have hoped for the parliament to approve his plan, he resorted to using the instrument of executive order by which the new electoral law was introduced in March 1922. He reduced the number of eligible voters from 3 million to 2.4 million. Of the 600,000 voters who were disenfranchised 550,000 were women because Bethlen raised the voting age for women to 30. In addition, they had to have at least a sixth-grade education. The smart guys, however, could vote at the age of 24 and needed only a fourth-grade education. By this move he reduced the percentage of eligible voters from 40% to 28.4%. That by itself, if compared to France, Italy, Belgium, or Poland, was not outrageous, but it was also not quite satisfactory from Bethlen’s point of view. It wouldn’t have ensured absolutely foolproof results for the governing party. Thus he resorted to the pre-1918 practice of open balloting in the countryside. Only in Budapest and in the larger cities was voting secret (23% of the population). Just to give you an idea of the result of this new electoral law, Bethlen’s party in 1922 won 60% of the votes where there was open balloting while it received only 23% of the votes in districts where the voting was secret. There was no other country in Europe where there was open voting! Hungary was unique, with a reputation that goes with such undemocratic practices.

Yes, the system was foolproof . In 1922 Bethlen’s Unity Party got 58% of the vote, in 1926 65%, and in 1935 67%. Viktor Orbán could be truly envious of Bethlen’s feat. The composition of the House changed immediately. The percentage of smallholders in parliament was halved while the number of aristocrats doubled. The social democrats who boycotted the 1920 elections received 25 seats; because of a deal between the Hungarian Social Democratic Party and Bethlen they could enter the race only in Budapest and in larger cities in exchange for somewhat freer political activity. Even this way, in Budapest and environs the social democrats received 43% of the votes. So, the claim that the overwhelming majority of the post-revolutionary population sympathized with the  right is a myth. As is clear from some of the numbers cited above, only open balloting could do the trick for Bethlen, and surely Viktor Orbán cannot resort to that method. So, currently the Fidesz-KDNP government is madly looking for all sorts of ways to achieve results comparable to those of Bethlen’s electoral law. Restrict television and Internet campaigning, require registration, import voters, and who knows what else they will come up with.”

2012. november 11.
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Ehhez a cikkhez még nem fűztek megjegyzést.

Komment írásához be kell jelentkeznie.



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Ők nem a „buborék hercegei”

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A VMSZ korifeusa

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Szerbia – mi lesz ennek a vége?

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VMSZ-es „normalitás”

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I šta će sada biti sa nama?

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A joghurtforradalom szimbolikus felülmúlása

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Újra kellene gondolni az elmúlt harminc évet

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Ami körülöttünk történik, sokkal több a politikánál

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