Ma Donát névnap van.
Végre egy örömhír: a kvótareferendumon a határon túli magyar állampolgárok is részt vehetnek
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Egy „Széchenyi-idézet” nyomában
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Szeles Mónika exkluzív
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Európa, a vén kurva
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The Orbán family’s enrichment with a little government help
„Azt hiszem elképednénk a jelenlegi magyar miniszterelnök korrumpáltságának mélységétől.” Hungarian Spectrum: >
Churchill és Bódis békés szivarozása helyett jaltai konferencia
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A gyertyák csonkig égnek
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A kiválasztott nép ilyennek látja Európát
Spitzertől: >
A fehér kabát
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A Napló Naplója
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Napi ajánló
Another Magyar Vizsla?
A Bajnait lejárató kampány nagyon hasonlít az egykori fideszes Magyar Vizslára – Hungarian Spectrum:
…„The anti-Bajnai campaign began right after Bajnai’s announcement of his return to politics on October 23, but this latest poll made Viktor Orbán truly worried. He decided on an attack before the whole thing blows up in his face. Of course, Fidesz and Orbán didn’t want to do the dirty work, so instead the party turned to the “independent” civic leader László Csizmadia, one of the organizers of the Peace March. You may recall his name because I wrote about Csizmadia at length on October 25. Csizmadia is heavily involved with countless civic organizations that I suspect are phony groups doing promotional work for the government. On the one hand, Csizmadia is a civil servant because he was appointed to be chairman of the Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap (NEA / National Co-operation Fund), a government agency that has about 3 billion forints at its disposal to hand out to deserving civic organizations. On the other hand, he is also the recipient of some of the grants given to the groups because he is the chairman of an umbrella organization representing some 400 civic groups. László Csizmadia has still another job. He is the chairman of an organization called Civil Összefogás Fórum (CÖF / Forum for Civic Co-operation). It was in this capacity that László Csizmadia together with Tamás Fricz, the political scientist, and Zsolt Bayer, a journalist and one of the founders of Fidesz, organized both peace marches, the first in January and the second on October 23. Both times Csizmadia and his friends managed to gather very sizable crowds, and Viktor Orbán is most grateful. After the January Peace March Orbán expressed his belief that without the organizers’ efforts he would not be prime minister of Hungary today.”…
So, what does Csizmadia have to do with an anti-Bajnai campaign? A lot. It is Csizmadia’s Forum for Civic Co-operation (CÖF) that will be in charge of the campaign. Csizmadia this morning gave a press conference in which he expressed his “dismay at hearing that Gordon Bajnai, who took part in the ruination of the country, is planning to return as a political actor.”
„Csizmadia and his his friends are not wasting any time. By next week the first batch of political propaganda will be ready to be mailed. He added that they are hoping to receive small donations to cover the cost. I guess they have to hide the fact that apparently CÖF is an extremely rich organization that garners millions and millions, if not billions from the government. Tamás Fricz added his own assessment of Bajnai. According to him, the former prime minister “is a man of the past and the reincarnation of Ferenc Gyurcsány.” Bajnai wouldn’t strengthen the flourishing Hungarian democracy. On the contrary, Bajnai would work toward strengthening “post-communism and its network.” Moreover, he wouldn’t represent the nation’s interests but would serve the interests of international groups.”…
„There seems to be a new spokesman for CÖF whom I haven’t met before. His name is Endre Szabó, and he represents civic groups concerned with the state of family life in the Carpathian Basin. He criticized “civic groups that are involved with politics and are trying to overthrow the present government.” I guess Szabó has no problem with his own civic groups’ involvement with politics if that entails a defense of the present government. Clearly, logic is not Mr. Szabó’s strength.”…
„Bajnai’s Haza és Haladás responded quickly. Victor Szigetvári is one of the deputy chairmen of the foundation and a talented campaign strategist. He was in charge of MSZP’s campaign in 2006 and 2010. Szigetvári naturally knew that 2010 was a lost cause, but someone had to take the job and he sacrificed himself, so to speak.
According to Szigetvári, CÖF is perhaps the richest civic organization in all of Europe. According to him, “the resources of CÖF are practically inexhaustible,” so it will be able to publish millions and millions of pamphlets with pseudo-scientific financial data for the 2002-2010 period. It will be, said Szigetvári, a second Magyar Vizsla.
A few words about Magyar Vizsla. It was a publication that tried to discredit Ferenc Gyurcsány and other leading members of the government in 2006. It was a primitive collection of lies that could easily be disproved. Naturally, it wasn’t Fidesz who lent its name to the publication. They dredged up a woman who claimed that she as a private person paid the millions of forints for the publication. Eventually, Magyar Vizsla was traced back through a fax number to Fidesz headquarters. But no problem. In typical Fidesz fashion they acted as if nothing had happened. Szigetvári expects a publication similar to Magyar Vizsla. Of course, by now Fidesz has perfected their dirty tricks, but who knows when they will trip up. Richard Nixon had much more practice, and still…”
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